Technology Stack

To refresh your memory, the frontend(client side) and backend(server-side) are the two components that make up a tech stack

A group of tools, programming languages and technologies collectively referred to as a "tech stack" are used to create digital products or solutions like Websites, Mobile apps and Desktop apps.

Frontend Tech Stack

Frontend Tech is anything that a user may view or interact with the screen. Primary goal is to develop a fantastic user experience, a fluid user interface and simple internal structure. In simple words, it's responsible for how websites and web apps are designed, formatted and navigated.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

It's a markup language for creating and displaying electronic documents (web pages). They are the backbone in the organization and placement of content on a web page.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

It is responsible for the format and layout of the web pages. It includes the font styles, sizes, layout, color and other aspects of a web page. Developers commonly use frameworks like SASS and LESS to make CSS more manageable and more dynamic.


Used to make web pages interactive. It's a programming language that allows you to implement dynamics features on web pages common libraries and frameworks like jQuery, React, Angular and Vue. Many modern applications now also use TypeScript instead of basic Javascript.


Backend Tech Stack

Backend development refers to the process of building and maintaining the server-side components of a web or software application. It involves the implementation and management of the underlying technology, infrastructure and logic that enable the frontend and backend(server-side) to interact and function together seamlessly.

Programming Languages

This creates logic for apps and websites. The code links the web to a database. Some examples are JavaScript, PHP and Python.


It offers assistance for programs built using just one programming language. Several well-known frameworks include Ruby on Rails, Django and Laravel. The majority of contemporary applications are created utilizing an MVC framework.

Web Servers

To handle client requests, you require backend servers. The most popular web servers are Apache, Nginx and Microsoft's internet information server (IIS).


Most applications require a SQL or NoSQL database. MongoDB, PostgreSQL and MySQL are common databases.

Technology Stack for Development